September 1, 2010,
This is Logan's estimated date of birth.
His birth date is estimated because he was abandoned at the local children's hospital at approximately four days old.
From there he was taken to the local police station where they would care for him for the next fourteen days. He was then transferred to the orphanage that would become his home for the next two years of his life.
Logan, in all likelihood, was abandoned because of his special needs.
Some may feel that this was a heartless act on the part of his birth parents.
However, I believe it was an act of the heart.
It's possible that Logan's birth parents may not have been able to provide for his medical needs. They may have abandoned him as an act of love, knowing it would be the only way for him to receive the medical care he needs.
I can't imagine the ache that may still dwell in his birth mother's heart.
There are approximately 10,000 children abandoned in China every year.
But this isn't a plight exclusive to China, it's a global issue.
A dear friend sent me an article about a new documentary that will soon be released called "The Drop Box".
It's about a Korean pastor named Lee Jong-rak who built a wooden “drop box” on the
outer wall of his home. The box wasn’t intended for clothing, food,
or school supplies, it was meant to collect unwanted babies.
The love and compassion this pastor has for these abandoned children is amazing! Take a peek at the trailer...
"The Drop Box" - Documentary PROMO from Brian Ivie on Vimeo.
The 20 children in his care all have special needs.
My favorite part of this trailer is when the Pastor stated, "They're not the unnecessary ones in the world. God sent them to the Earth to use them."
Click on the link to read the article about "The Drop Box" at the Gospel Coalition.
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