
Thursday, December 25, 2014


One week ago at Cleveland Hopkins Airport, I met my new son.
I can't put into words how it felt to 
have my husband and daughter return
and to hold Maxwell for the first time.
My heart was singing.

And now, we're all adjusting and transitioning into our new normal,
and this normal is wonderful!

The first few days were challenging and
Maxwell was slow to attach to me.
But soon a bond began to form,
and it grows stronger every day.

Maxwell took to Logan right away,
and these two little brothers are already incredibly close.

And now, on Christmas Day, my heart is full.
Full of praise for the One who's done great things through this adoption process,
full of hope as Maxwell continues to bond with us,
full of love for my family.

My soul glorifies the Lord this Christmas Day.

We praise God this day for every blessing.

The words of Mary's song, the Magnificat,
is a beautiful way to praise Him for all things...

"My soul will magnify the Lord;
I rejoice in God my Savior,
In the wonder of His favor.
For He has done great things for me;
He was mindful of His servant.
Every age shall call me blessed.
The Hope of Abraham come
In the giving of a Son;
For He who promised is mighty
In remembering His mercy.

My soul will magnify the Lord
For His grace to those who fear Him
Through every generation.
The proud He scatters to the wind
As the ruler's strength is broken,
And the rich are left with nothing.
The humble lifted high,
And the hungry satisfied;
Our Portion and our Treasure,
Our Hope and Help forever." 

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Our family of seven has now become a family of eight and life as we know it will once again drastically change (and we are incredibly thankful). 
Tim, Olivia and Maxwell's plane is just about to depart from Hong Kong. As we prepare for our family to be reunited we want to express our gratitude for your love, support and prayers during the last ten months.  We will be forever thankful for the encouragement of family, friends and strangers, 
and for the new friendships
 that emerged along the way.

I am one blessed mama.

Life in our household is about to look completely different.  Maxwell will call us "Mama" and "Baba"....yet, he won’t truly know what these words mean. 

He needs to learn that we will be the ones to fulfill his needs. 
 He needs to know that he can depend on us...and together we will help him learn what it’s like to be a family. 

In order to do that, we have specific things that we will do to help Maxwell adjust and continue with the bonding process.

We will be "cocooning" for a while.  

We'll be lying low...with the eight of us. 
We will be spending our days at home. 
We will try to decrease the amount of stimulation in our life as the seeds of attachment are planted.  
With time we will venture out more and continually assess how our sweet boy is adjusting.

We post the adorable pictures and cute videos,
the best side of adoption; the easy parts.
But there is definitely a side of the process that isn't easy,
that's incredibly challenging,
that's sometimes darker.

But He has called us out upon these waters,
and there will be times when our feet will fail.
But even when the attachment storms are raging,
we know that our Lord will lead us, grow us
and bring us to trust Him without borders...

 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

We look forward to you meeting our new son and we want him to meet all of you; once he’s comfortably made this transition.

We are so grateful for each of you.
Thank you for richly blessing our lives and praying us through.

With Love,
Rebecca and Tim

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


They've made it safely to Guangzhou!

Tim said Maxwell was a champ on the in-country flight.

One of the first appointments in Guangzhou was
Maxwell's official medical exam.
He's a brave little guy and did a fabulous job!

One of our favorite places to visit in Guangzhou last year
was Shamian Island.
It's a beautiful place to walk around,
shop and enjoy one of the many restaurants.

There are beautiful statues throughout Shamian Island.
Here's Maxwell joining the parade of little children.

Our favorite restaurant on the Island last year
was Lucy's.
Tim took Maxwell there for lunch.
They'll be back on Friday and we're counting down the days!
I can't even put into words how much I miss Tim and Olivia
and how much I want to hold Maxwell in my arms.

I am so thankful for the technology that enables
Tim to send pictures and video daily.

He's sent so many adorable videos of sweet Maxwell.
I've put together some cute snippets.

Through the pictures and video I've learned:
1. Maxwell doesn't need any words to let Tim know when he's hungry.
2. He may warm up to our lovable dog Judah much quicker than Logan did.
3. He loves to laugh.
4. He knows I'm his Mama.
5. He loves to laugh...

Thursday, December 11, 2014

It's Official!

On Tuesday, Tim headed back to the Civil Affairs office.
This was the day our adoption would be finalized!

He walked into the office with Maxwell, Olivia
and a document in hand giving him power of attorney 
to act on my behalf.
he walked out as Maxwell's official Baba (daddy).

Yes, Maxwell is truly ours and we are truly his!

He is absolutely blossoming with Tim 
and I'm so proud of my husband.

It's very typical for institutionalized children
to be physically, mentally and emotionally younger
than their actual age,
and this is very apparent with Maxwell.
But my husband is definitely up to the task. 

I love Skyping with Tim and seeing how
loving, caring and patient he is with Maxwell.
I always knew he was the ultimate attachment parent
and he's really stepping up to the plate with our sixth child.
The bond he's already forming with Maxwell is incredible.

As for this Mama,
Tim sent me a video that made my heart soar.
Maxwell is calling for his Mama!

Here's your daily dose of cuteness from our newest baby,
as he looks at the photo album we had sent him in the orphanage...

Olivia is doing a wonderful job helping Tim
without taking on the "Mama" role
 And Maxwell is beginning to enjoy his place as baby brother.

The crew at home is staying busy
as we count down the days until our family is reunited.

Here's one last sweet picture of our new son.

As you can see,
 being part of a family can sure wear a guy out.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Forever Family Day

At 2:00 pm China time (1:00 am our time),
Tim and Olivia were at the Civil Affairs office
waiting for Maxwell to arrive.

Soon they saw his caregivers walking towards the building
carrying our new son.

A very sad and scared little boy was placed in Tim's waiting arms.
Tim couldn't believe how many layers of clothes they had put on him.:)

 Tim was so excited to finally be holding our new son!
the grieving process for Maxwell had begun. 

The grieving process is a very healthy part of 
Maxwell's transition.
It's incredibly important for him to express how he's feeling
and will actually help with the attachment process.

They brought out the album we had sent him
and the sound of Logan's voice made him laugh.
We are confident he was shown the album often.

 Tim said that Maxwell cried silent tears on the bus ride
back to the hotel.

But after dinner and a warm bath,
Maxwell shared more than a few smiles with them.
As I write this post, it's 12:30 am in China
and I pray that everyone is sleeping.

When they awake, they'll travel to the 
Civil Affairs office once again to complete Maxwell's adoption.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas in Nanjing

As we all continue with 
our Christmas prepartations,
I was incredibly excited as well as surprised
when I received my first pictures
from Tim from Nanjing.

Christmas in Nanjing!

I did not expect to see any type of Christmas 
celebration taking place in China, 
especially since China is officially an atheist country.

Only 5% of the Chinese population are Christian,
is treated much like Valentine's Day is here.

But, we serve a big God!
And our pastor reminded us this morning
that "God is at work in the darkness".

And in China, a glimmer of light is slowly growing...
as China may be on trek to becoming 

I pray for China, 
because this is the birth country 
of two of my sweet babies.
I pray for China, 
because this is the home 
of Logan and Maxwell's birth families.
I pray that this Christmas
more of the beautiful people of China
will come to know Jesus, Joy of the Highest Heaven...

Friday, December 5, 2014


I received a text today at 5:12 AM  (6:12 PM China time)
and with it came an overwhelming sense of relief.
Tim and Olivia were in Shanghai waiting for their connecting flight.

Their journey began at 8:30 AM on Thursday
as we all made our way to the airport for last goodbyes.

They were thrilled to be starting their adventure.
They both adore adventure.

For the less adventurous type,
the goodbye came with a mix of excitement and sadness.

As well as a few tears.
(Notice the second car seat for Maxwell.)

They had a six hour layover in Shanghai
before their connecting flight brought them to Nanjing.

They met their driver at the airport,
and after a forty minute drive to the hotel,
they checked in,
unpacked only the essentials
and were able to get some much needed sleep at about 1:00 AM China time.

Now, at 7:00 AM China time,
they're up and ready to conquer the day,
albeit through very tired eyes.

And on Monday,
they'll be meeting this precious child.
 And the transition to his forever family will begin.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Plan B.

This is it.
Tim and Olivia are packed and ready to go.

The time has finally come to bring our son home.

Will you please join us as we prayer for:

*Maxwell and his tender heart. May God ease his heartache as he transitions away from the only home he’s ever known. May he come to understand our love and commitment to him. 

* For health, energy and endurance as Tim and Olivia travel 23 hours to Maxwell's province. May the Lord place his protective hand upon them.

* For the rest of the children as they wait patiently at home for their new little brother.

As I look at the sweet little baby pictures of Maxwell
that were included in his child material...

 ...I am deeply humbled,
because I truly know that Tim and I are plan B.

Maxwell has a birth mother.
A woman who loved him so much
that she gave him up so that he could have 
the medical care he so desperately needed.
And in a perfect world,
he would still be with her.

But this is a fallen world.
And Maxwell needs and deserves to be part of a family,
and we are incredibly privileged to be plan B.

will you please join us as we pray
for Maxwell's birth mother.

*That she is well and the circumstances that caused her to give up her child have improved.

*That she will find comfort from the ache that comes with giving up a child.

*That she will somehow know that her child is safe and will be loved by a family.

*That one day she will be adopted...through Jesus Christ...into the family of God.