
Friday, October 17, 2014

Files, Photos and Video

Adoption file,
Child material,
Referral file,
different names that mean the same thing;
the small collection of documents and pictures given to adoptive parents to aid
in their decision of whether or not to move forward in the adoption of a child.

The child material files we received for Logan, Lia and most recently Maxwell,
were all quite small and consisted mostly of medical reports 
in both English and Chinese.

But, they also each contained an orphanage report.
 A beautiful, tiny glimpse into the personality and daily life 
of each of our children.

So, what does the orphanage have to say about our newest, little darling?

“He is clever, active and has a ready smile.”
(Logan is also clever and active. I can only imagine what these two little boys will be like together.)

“He has big eyes and a roman nose.”

“He likes listening to music”
(Yes, I’m already thinking about what instrument he’ll play.)

“He gets along well with other children”
(Perfect, considering he’ll be the youngest of six.)

“He enjoys laughing”
(“God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” Genesis 21:6)

We also learned that his nickname is Lai Lai. (pronounced Lī Lī)
In China, it’s very common to double a child’s name as a nickname.
Logan’s Chinese name is Ke. (sounds like "cup" without the letter p)
The orphanage called him Ke Ke and we still call him by his nickname.

One of the most exciting parts of Maxwell’s file was the video received.
We didn’t receive a video with either Logan or Lia’s file
and were thrilled when we watched the video of our sweet son Maxwell 
for the first time.

Enjoy this big helping of cuteness:

(This video requires Flash.)

Just recently, we received an update from Maxwell’s orphanage.
New pictures showing our adorable, two year old son smiling and playing!

The update also included more information about our son’s personality.
Here’s where we need your prayers:
“He is shy and afraid of strangers.”
“He will hide himself behind the familiars’ back when strangers approaching.”

Will you please join us as we pray?
Please pray with us as we cry out to the Lord for His loving mercy during Maxwell’s transition from the orphanage to our family.
We ask that you pray for this sweet, little boy as he moves from the only home he’s ever known,
to a new home 7,000 miles away.
Please join us on our knees as we pray for this child during his grieving process.
And please pray as we move ever closer to the moment 
when we hold him in our arms.

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.   John 14:18

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