
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pennies and piggybanks.

It's amazing how quickly loose change can add up.
Earlier in our adoption journey, Tim set out a very large water container.
We use it to collect our spare change and will soon add
all that we've collected to our adoption fund.

Our sweet Ella has a very special piggy bank that she had painted herself.
She had been collecting coins in her bank for a long time
and it was very full.

Shortly after the container was set-up,
I noticed Ella's piggy bank sitting next to the water container.
She had emptied the entire contents of her bank into
the container. The only evidence of what she had done 
was the empty piggy bank that had been left behind.

  As I looked at her piggy bank standing empty on the floor
I thanked God for the generous hearts of our children,
 for how excited they are to share our love and their love with Logan,
and for the privilege of being their mom.

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